Khaled Huthaily
Hi there! I am a linguist in the day and a web developer at night. In addition to reading, I enjoy programming and camping. Here, I share links related to topics I am interested in.
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The Sounds and Letters of Arabic
The Sounds and Letters of Arabic: A Linguistic Approach is a research-based textbook that helps students of Arabic achieve native-like pronunciation. |
Dr. Khaled Huthaily
Welcome to the official website of Dr. Khaled Huthaily. |
Volcano Updates | U.S. Geological Survey
Volcano Notification Service |
What makes Papuan languages so unique? - features from the area with the most languages - YouTube
Melanesia is the place with the most languages on earth, most of which are Papuan. These are the features that set them apart from surrounding language famil... |
Arabian Fairy Tales - YouTube
Watch the Best and Most Popular Stories in Arabian |
English Fairy Tales - YouTube
Watch the Best and Most Popular Stories in English.i.e : Sleeping Beauty , Hansel And Gretel, Lion And The Mouse, Red Shoes , Wolf And The Seven Little Goats... |
Talk isn't cheap | Opinion | montanakaimin.com
History is made with words. Members of any movement understand that. It’s often their only weapon of change. |
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